I don't spend too much time discussing politics because in this day and age, you either on side "A" or side "B". All those who claim to be "Undecided" are idiots. Sorry. But true. I know neither of the candidates is perfect. That's like asking you who your favorite kid is. You know they both behave badly and both love you. But you just can't say one is absolutely perfect. In a way, we are all Baldwins.
So, since neither of the candidates is perfect, you have to choose one. If you go into a restaurant and you are hungry and they tell you "Cake or Pie" you don't sit for eleven months deciding. You choose one. Even if you hate cake and not really into pie. You either order one or get the heck out of the store (in this case, the U.S.). You see, those who are undecided end up being the ones that bitch the most later. "See, I told you he was not perfect!" they would say no matter what candidate wins and fucks something up. The undecided voters are the whiney little friend who used to say "I told you so" when you got rejected by the hot girl in class. "I told you she would say No. You should have not even asked". Fuck that theory. You don't do things because you think they will end badly which is exactly why these whiney "undeciders" are not voting. Why? Cause when shit hits the fan they want the pride to say "I told you so".
You know what? Life ain't perfect. You can get married, have three kids and a 30 year marriage and your husband can wake up one morning and not love you anymore. That does not mean you should not fall in love, get married and have children.
You can go to work for the same company for eighteen years and be loyal and turn down better offers at other companies because you pride yourself in what you do and who you work for and one day, your company will lay you off so they can save a few bucks. That's life. That does not mean you don't put effort into your work.
So, with that, I am calling out my dad. My dad has been one of the whiney "Undecided". I know it is wrong to sit here and talk smack about my dad. He is entitled to his own choices. But this is better then him. This is exactly WHY I am calling him out. Because he is NOT a little "I told you so" kind of guy. He is my hero. So why is he settling for being 24 hours away from voting day and still not know who to vote for?
I can understand not making a choice on which American Idol you want. Although the David Cook and David Archuleta seemed to be just as much as a tied selection as the presidential candidates are.
So I am calling out my dad. This is 2000-effin'-eight. The decision we make tomorrow will effect 1) my dads retirement which he will likely do in the next four years. 2) my wifes loan for education since she will graduate from school in the next four years and need to start paying back her loan 3) his grandkids education since in the next four years those kids will still be in school and 4) the possibility that maybe, just maybe, I may start a family as well.
Why is all that important? because whoever we put in office, can either make life much better for those dealing with those 4 things, or really difficult.
I can understand why my father is having a hard time. Yout two choices are an old bitter man with an idiot running mate or a young, inexperienced man with a running mate who I only seen speak about three times in the past 6 months.
But, here is the deal: Dad, you get to be a part of history. Not just the fact that you can choose the first African American president, or the first female Vice-President. That is, at the end of the day irrelevant. Nobody should choose a candidate based on that choice alone. The history you are taking part of is ours. 4 years from now you can look back and say, "The choice I made, put my son, grandkids, my daughter-in-law and my retirement where it is today". Isn't it better to take pride four years from now knowing that you were taking part of shaping all those outcomes? as compared to not doing anything now and kicking yourself later saynig "I could have done something about it"? Sure, things can also go wrong. But you didn't have children, or move them to the U.S., or work in the same job for all these years because something "may" go wrong. Its a risk. Life is a risk. But you take risks to see what you are capable of.
I always have questions for my father. I used to call him with questions about my car trouble. I used to call him with questions about my sink problems. I used to call him with questions about my having to many problems problem.
Now I just have one question: Will you please go vote?
Not sure who to vote for? flip a coin. Draw a name from a hat. Pin a tale on a donkey (no hint intended). Do whatever it takes, but just do it. Because you are my hero and I need my hero to be a part of something that can change my life and yours. Vote blue or red or purple. I don't care. But just VOTE!
And to any other undecided voters, seriously: Make up your mind already. This isn't American Idol. This is the presidency. Yes, its serious, which is more the reason to hurry up and make up your mind. You need to Rock The Vote, not Rush The Vote. Don't rush your choice cause of the deadline. But don't wait until you are in the booth to make up your mind either.
Color, experience, religion...I am not saying people don't have reasons to not making a choice yet. Even if I don't agree with them. But to skip out on this is just psychotic.
1 comment:
I would like the Pie pleas!!!
And so dose your father.
We all went to vote on this very big day, bigger then us we all know, So Dad as well with major pain in his leg after only a week after his surgery, but it was worth the pain, because as you my son learned all to very soon anything great in life will come with some pain and struggle. And our History will show that to get to where we are today, took sacrifice and lots of pain.
But how lucky we are to have you as our son, so strong to say your word in front of all the world with no fear or hesitation at all.
Its with pepole like you that we can get to where we are going.
So you see we allredy got OUR PIE, and wish that all of you out there get there PIE too.
It takes PAIN AND PRESAVIRENS AND VOTING to get to enjoy your PIE.
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