Tomorrow is Wednesday. Unless you live abroad, in which case, it is already Wednesday, so you already read this post and can move on to other things like watching The Labyrinth to see if David Bowie was strung out during that movie.
But for now, it is Tuesday, which makes tomorrow Wednesday. Two things happen tomorrow.
The first: I fly to Los Angeles for a week for business. I guess it is pleasure too, since part of my business (atleast the skateboard painting part) I take pleasure in.
I am flying to go to some work meetings, and meet with some prospects who want to display my skateboard artwork at their coffee shop in Venice as well.
The second thing that happens tomorrow is that the Hadron Collider is being turned on. For those of you who have been living under your girlfriends bed for the past month or so, let me explain quickly what the Hedron Collider is:
"The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest particle accelerator complex, intended to collide opposing beams of 7 TeV protons. Its main purpose is to explore the validity and limitations of the Standard Model, the current theoretical picture for particle physics. The LHC was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), and lies under the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva, Switzerland.
The LHC is the world's largest and the highest-energy particle accelerator.[1] It is funded and built in collaboration with over eight thousand physicists from over eighty-five countries as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories.
When activated, it is theorized that the collider will produce the elusive Higgs boson, the observation of which could confirm the predictions and missing links in the Standard Model of physics and could explain how other elementary particles acquire properties such as mass.
Although a few individuals have questioned the safety of the planned experiments in the media and through the courts,[6] the consensus in the scientific community is that there is no basis for any conceivable threat from the LHC particle collisions." (VIA Wikipedia)
So basically some scientist want to perform the BIG BANG and a bunch of hippies think the world will end tomorrow.
I do not think the world will end tomorrow. It better not. Mostly because my company has not reimbursed me yet for my flight to LA. If it does end, I shall sue them on Thursday for loss of compensation. Bastards.
But, while the end of the world is a fun subject to speak about, it is not what this post is about.
Yesterday, the big planet that is called my HEAD has suffered thru its own meteor wipe out. I decided to shave my head.
I shave my head every once in a while. Usually to indicate to myself that a part of my life needs a new start. Not sure why the thought of starting fresh somewhere and shaving my head are connected. Perhaps I watched The Matrix too much.
But, part of my life does need a clean start. While I am happy with almost everything in my life currently, like my marriage which is by far the best relationship I ever had with someone who is not just my best friend but a hot woman at that. My art is doing exceptionally well for what I think its worth. My family is healthy and everyone is good.
But I do have a few things I need a really fresh start with and for those things alone, I shaved my head because if my head is clean....then it is a reminder that I need to start clean.
Sounds silly as hell. I know. The theory alone sucks. But, I am no CERN scientist so, lock it up.
The reasons I shaved my head are not for this post either. What this post is really about is my head. After shaving it yesterday, I noticed I am one step closer to being the old man I dread being.
After shaving my head, I noticed I am the official owner of new property on my head that can no longer grow trees. I officially started my receding hairlines. It is not much. It is not like I lost a lot, but I can definitely notice more of my forehead on the top right and left corner then say, when I shaved my head a couple of years ago.
I don't know what to feel about it besides regret of shaving my head. If I didn't shave it, I wouldn't have noticed how obvious my big forehead is and would not feel like its the end of MY world.
I know I am getting old. I know that with age comes the white hair, the wrinkles, the baldness (sometimes) and eventually bitterness and diapers. But I didn't expect to have to embrace it so early. Not to mention, it scares the crap that I have no idea what my body is like on the inside. For the most part, I think I am healthy. Sure, I drink way too much juice instead of water. I don't eat enough fruits and vegetables and I can sure use a work out. Atleast I listened to that doctor theory that drinking lots of wine helps you live longer. I have taken that advice without thinking twice.
So today I sit and think about tomorrow. Not because the world may end. It wont. But because tomorrow, I will not be as young as I am today and perhaps I need to start paying closer attention to my health. This realization is good. It will force me to start taking better care of myself. This may not be a health scare like a stroke or heart attack (although I will be honest, seeing a receding hairline nearly caused one), seeing how I am aging will help want to take better steps to make sure I get older healthier.
Too bad I didn't still have hair. Otherwise, this new start I need to make about my health would have forced me to shave my head to remind me to keep doing it. I guess all I have to do to remind myself to try and not get too old too fast is just look in the mirror at my big Reese Witherspoon forehead.
Atleast it's not the end of the world.