Much like Gossip Girl, this is just another show to make your teenage sister wish she was 92 pounds and pretentious.
I didn't watch the new show. I already been sucked into Gossip Girl by my wife and while I can not escape the torture of people squinting their eyes when they speak, or dressing up to school in clothes that last time I remember I was in high school, were actually against policy and you were forced to go home and change or forced to wear your gym shirt over it for the rest of the day. Not to mention you were written up if you wore things like tank tops, hats, unbutton shirts, t-shirts with things like "Jesus loves beer too" and mini-skirts (no, I didn't wear one).
So my Sexy Swedish Wife was watching the new 90210 during my lunch break today (which took up space on my DVR and time away from my lunch. I literally felt my food coming back up as I watched the first 30 minutes of this show).
I will not review the show as a whole because I didn't watch it as a whole. I won't. So if you look for a review, go to another blog that probably has kitties and glitter in the background.
What I will talk about is dishonesty. You see, this show (much like Gossip Girl), sends the wrong message to young kids. For one, the whole cast is thin. Last time I checked, America is one of the biggest countries (in overweight problems), not to mention teenage kids are not only suffering from being overweight, but many, are also suffering from bulimia. Mostly because of TV shows and magazine ads.
So I thought it was funny to look on the TV during my lunch and see that the whole cast are skinny as hell (in a country who suffers from the highest prevalence of overweight, which in a recent study found the prevalence of overweight in the United States was 12.6 percent in 13 year old boys, 10.8 percent in 13 year old girls, 13.9 percent in 15 year old boys, and 15.1 percent in 15 year old girls.)
Sad, but obesity among teenagers is a huge problem in the US. As is Bulimia. Research shows that more than 90 percent of those who have eating disorders are women between the ages of 12 and 25 (National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 2003). About 5 million Americans suffer from some type of eating disorder, such as Anorexia, Bulimia or Bine Eating. About 95 percent of sufferers are female, and teenagers are especially vulnerable due to stress, relationship problems, biological predispositions and emotional disturbances.
But lets talk about the show.
First off, these actors are supposed to play 16 year olds, but judging from these photos and the show, they all look almost 30. Not even believable.
Secondly, for the 30 minutes I did watch it, I noticed the token black guy they put in there. Really? You couldn't do with more then one African-American dude? And worst part is, HE IS ADOPTED! Seriously? You couldn't place a rich, successful, African-American family in Beverly Hills? Instead the one black guy in Beverly Hills has to be the same rank as a Madonna baby? Really?
Lastly, they are all beautiful. I know that shows probably don't become successful if they don't have an attractive cast (if you exclude Everybody Loves Ramon, half the cast of Friends, The Sopranos, Seinfeld, and the Simpsons. :)
So, those who watch this 90210 go "Wow, these kids look like an Abercorombie & Fitch ad". Problem is, kids at Beverly Hills High School don't look like that. In fact, here are some photos from the Beverly Hills High School website. Wow, they really nailed it:
The Cast of the show:
The actual students at BHHS:
Call me an asshole. I am not ragging on the real students. I am just saying that the show could have got more "normal" looking kids. Oh sure, they have the abnormally large Indian guy or whatever he is, but come on, kids at BHHS do NOT look like this:

That's all I will say. I give this show one season before it is replaced with a new show about High School kids in Miami.
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