Before I moved to New York, I told myself that there are few things that I will need to accept.
1) The weather. Coming from California I knew I would whine and bitch about it for atleast 6 months. I still am.
2) Expensive life style. I knew rent would be more for less. I paid $600 less in Los Angeles for a place that feels like it was twice my current place. While I did assume I would be saving money on not having a car, I failed to realize that when you are dealing with #1 (crappy weather) you tend to take the subway more, and hence spending money on transportation anyway.
Lastly, I knew I would have to accept Cockroaches. I used to watch Joe's Apartment back in the day. The single guy living with hundred of roaches who hung out with him and helped him score dates only to destroy any chance of him getting action by revealing themselves to his date.
I knew New York had roaches. The same way my parents had accepted that I was not going to grow up to be a Jewish Lawyer, or the same way my wife has to accept that I tend to break things around the house on accident, only to break something else while cleaning up the first thing I broke. I, had to accept to see roaches.
I don't mind roaches. A lot of people don't seem to like them. They have skinny legs, little tiny lips, they walk really fast. It's like watching models on a runway. What's not to like?
As I mentioned in previous posts, I have been dealing with a rodent problem. At first it was frustrating. Then it became cute (when you see the little 2 inch mouse and his big black eyes you just want to name him and keep him as a pet). But now it reached a new level.
My house is to rodents, what California is to illegal aliens. A month ago, I was lucky if I saw one rodent. Lastnight, I saw five (possibly seven) all within couple of hours of eachother. They have skipped the border, and have made my house the new San Diego.
A few nights ago, I saw a cockroach. He was walking really slow and almost injured like. I squashed him with my shoe and threw him to the curb faster than Whitney did to Bobby.
Lastnight, as we are looking behind the fridge for the little mouse who ran across the aparment floor, my wife and I got into a discussion.
Which is worst having around? The Mouse? Or the Roach?
Her answer was roach. That was not surprising to me. They are tiny little devils who crawl up on walls and travel in packs. Except that, this is the exact same reason I said that the mouse is the worst thing to have.
Women love a mouse because its furry and cute. But why hate on the roach just on looks? Mice by far carry more diseases. Heck, you can actually get mice mites. Have a rash from them or even have them eat your food to the point where its not healthy.
So, I decided to leave it up to you. Below is a poll. Who is worse at having as a roommate? The Roach or the Mouse?
1 comment:
Personally, I like mice and when I have had them in previous apartments, I have fed them, and even kept "petstore" mice as pets. I think cockroaches are FAR more disgusting. But they are less destructive. Mice will chew up your stuff and even the cords to your lamps or tv, etc. Get some mouse traps. And a few roach motels wouldn't hurt either, but the mice have got to go!
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